Prywatna Wyższa Szkoła Ochrony Środowiska w Radomiu przystępuje do archiwizacji zgromadzonych dokumentów.
W związku z tym wzywa się zainteresowane strony do odebrania oryginalnych dokumentów pozostających w zasobach uczelni, w terminie do 15 kwietnia 2025 r.
Ze względu na długotrwały proces archiwizacji, po wyznaczonym terminie odbiór dokumentów może nastąpić dopiero z końcem 2025 roku.
Degree course structureThe University of Environmental Sciences admits candidates by faculty and by degree. In the application the candidate must declare his/her preferences concerning this matter. All subjects of study are grouped in faculties. At present time the following faculties are embedded in the structure of the University of Environmental Sciences:
For undergraduate students the Faculty of Natural Environment Conservation and Science, and the Faculty of Logistics and Occupations Health & Safety offer courses for B.Sc. equivalent degree. Students should ‘realize’ the system of courses within 3.5 years study (7 semesters). For undergraduate students the Faculty of Tourism and Recreation offer courses for B.T.S. (Bachelor of Touristic Services) degree. Students should ‘realize’ the system of courses within 3 years study (6 semesters). For graduate students who have alreday received B.Sc. degree or equivalent the Faculty of Natural Environment Conservation and Science offers courses for M.Sc. degree. For graduate students who have alreday received B.T.S. degree or equivalent the Faculty of Tourism and Recreation offers courses for M.T.S. degree. The system of postgraduate courses should be ‘realized’ within 2 years study (4 semesters). Main forms of teching the students will experience in the University are:
Observations of natural ecosystems and wildlife are realized mainly in the Tatra Mountains National Park and Kozienice Landscape Park. Groups of students visit the Mountain Research, Learning and Recreation Centre which constitutes one of elements of the University. The Centre is located in Zakopane, the world famous tourist and winter sports zone situated at the foothills of the Tatra Mountains. The Tatra Mountains built of granites and partially sedimentary rocks belong to the most attractive mountain chains in the world owing to spectular contrasts between sharp peaks, great rock walls, clean blue mountain lakes, and extremely diversified vegetation. Undergraduate and postgraduate courses are organized for full-time and part-time students. The courses for part-time students are held in the form of two-day sessions (Saturdays and Sundays). Moreover, extra sessions are organized for final tests. The University mediates to organize the accommodation for the session time. The academic year begins on October 1st, and it is finished practically at the end of June. Each academic year consists of two semesters. The first year (two semesters) is devoted to general subjects. Courses include subjects common for all students of the defined faculty. Starting from the second year students appoint courses for one or more specialized subjects. |