Prywatna Wyższa Szkoła Ochrony Środowiska w Radomiu przystępuje do archiwizacji zgromadzonych dokumentów.
W związku z tym wzywa się zainteresowane strony do odebrania oryginalnych dokumentów pozostających w zasobach uczelni, w terminie do 15 kwietnia 2025 r.
Ze względu na długotrwały proces archiwizacji, po wyznaczonym terminie odbiór dokumentów może nastąpić dopiero z końcem 2025 roku.
How to get to the UniversityThe University of Environmental Sciences consists of:
The Main University Campus is located at the North-East suburban of Radom. The campus consists of several buildings located within a circle of diameter 500 m. The University administration building is located at Zubrzyckiego Street, no. 6. How to get to the Main University Campus.
From Warsaw air terminal by city bus no. 175 or one-wagon train to the Warsaw Central Railway Station (Warszawa Centralna), about 30 min. From the Warsaw Central Station to Radom by train (about 1.5 – 2 hours). From Radom railway station to Zubrzyckiego Street by the city bus no. 10 or by taxi.
From Cracow air terminal by the special, one-wagon train to the Cracow Main Railway Station (Kraków Główny), about 15 min. From the Cracow Main Railway Station to Radom by train (about 3 hours). From Radom railway station to Zubrzyckiego Street by the city bus no. 10 or by taxi.
From Lublin air terminal by the special, one-wagon train to the Lublin Railway Station, about 15 min. From the Lublin Railway Station to Radom by train (1.5 hours). From Radom railway station to Zubrzyckiego Street by the city bus no. 10 or by taxi.
A new airport in Radom has recently been opened.
There are international train connections with Warsaw Central Railway Station (Warszawa Centralna), Warsaw City Station (Warszawa Śródmieście) and Cracow Main Railway Station (Kraków Główny). Radom is located on the Warsaw-Cracow main railway line. The detailed schedule of domestic train connections may easily be found applying the following WWW site:
Radom is located on the main Warsaw-Cracow highway. Radom is distant about 100 km from Warsaw, and it may be achieved in 1.5 - 2 hours. Radom is distant about 200 km from Cracow, and it may be achieved in about 3 hours. The figure presented in this section explains how to find the Main University Campus in Radom. Other University Campuses. The Secondary Campus is located in the suburban of Miechów, a district town 40 km North of Cracow. The campus consisting of one building is located about 150 m from the Warsaw-Cracow primary highway. There exist also bus and train connections between Warsaw, Cracow, Radom, and Miechów. The details concerning train connections may easily be found applying the following WWW site: The Mountain Research, Learning, and Recreation Centre is located in Zakopane, Zamoyskiego Street, no. 40A. Zakopane is the world famous tourist and winter sports centre located at the foothills of the Tatra Mountains. |