Prywatna Wyższa Szkoła Ochrony Środowiska w Radomiu przystępuje do archiwizacji zgromadzonych dokumentów.
W związku z tym wzywa się zainteresowane strony do odebrania oryginalnych dokumentów pozostających w zasobach uczelni, w terminie do 15 kwietnia 2025 r.
Ze względu na długotrwały proces archiwizacji, po wyznaczonym terminie odbiór dokumentów może nastąpić dopiero z końcem 2025 roku.
General presentation of the UniversityThe University of Environmental Sciences is one of the few universitites in the European Community the principal research and teaching field of which is the conservation and protection of the natural environment. The University of Environmental Sciences is open for those who are aware of the influence of the natural and social environment factor on the economic activity and overall development of the society. The prupose of the University of Environmental Sciences is to spread the knowledge concerning the relationship between the economic activity and natural resources, and to develop a positive relationship between individuals, natural environment, and society. The University realizes the mission of teaching individuals who represent the principal factor in the development of widespread ecologic consciousness and ecologic practice. The ecologic practice is generally understood as the optimal exploitation of the natural environment without its pollution and damage. In the European Community such an approach is identified with the equalized economic and social development of the society. The authorities of the University of Environmental Sciences invite all potential candidates to participate in the mission outlined above. Opposite to 19th and 20th centuries described often as industrial period the 21st century should be defined as the century of ecology. Consequently, the European Community has accepted the environment conservation to be one of the principal fields of European activity. The University of Environmental Sciences offers academic type professional studies in environment conservation and science, tourism and recreation, logistics, occupational health and safety, and emergency management for B.Sc./B.T.S. degree as well as postgraduate studies for M.Sc. degree. The University is included in the Polish Ministerial Register of Universities and Academic Institutions, and possesses the accreditation of the Polish Accreditation Committee, the member of the European Accreditation Comittee. Consequently, each diploma issued by the University of Environmental Sciences is valid in all countries of the European Community. The University of Environmental Sciences has been visited many times by a number of of important persons representing institutions of the European Community. Taking into account the mission, principal research, and teaching field the University of Environmental Sciences has been appointed by Günter Verhaugen, the European Commisioner for Enlargement, for his official visit. The visit of Günter Verhaugen took place on April 22nd, 2003, one year before the access of Poland to the European Community, and on that day his meeting with students and teaching staff of the University was performed. In his official speach Günter Verhaugen told that the teaching of specialists in environment conservation and science is regarded as one of the primary forms of activity of the European Community. |