Prywatna Wyższa Szkoła Ochrony Środowiska w Radomiu przystępuje do archiwizacji zgromadzonych dokumentów.
W związku z tym wzywa się zainteresowane strony do odebrania oryginalnych dokumentów pozostających w zasobach uczelni, w terminie do 15 kwietnia 2025 r.
Ze względu na długotrwały proces archiwizacji, po wyznaczonym terminie odbiór dokumentów może nastąpić dopiero z końcem 2025 roku.
Faculty of Natural Environment Conservation and ScienceThe studies are devoted to formulate specialists who are able to preserve, control, and modify the elements of the natural environment at the local, regional, and country level. The faculty offers courses for B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees. The study may be realized according to the full-time or part-time system. The duration of study depends on previous academic experience and on the degree. For undergraduate candidates the Faculty offers courses for B.Sc. degree realized within 3.5 years of study (7 semesters). Generally, the study involve the collection of courses concerning the following subjects: elements of law, legal aspects of natural environment conservation, principles of environment protection, technical aspects of environment protection, mathematics and statistics, principles of chemistry, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, chemical process engineering, microbiology, toxicology, geology, economics, problems of healthly food, foreign languages, etc. The principles of environment protection is regarded as the leading subject consisting of several parallel courses including: principles of ecology, air protection, water resources protection, soil protection, natural ecosystems conservation, etc. Moreover, a number of courses referring to various subjects related to environmental sciences are realized. The first year (two semesters) is devoted to general subjects. Courses include subjects common for all students. Starting from the second year of the B.Sc. level studies the students appoint courses for one or more of the following ‘specialities’, i.e. specialized general subjects:
Postgraduate studies are organized for those who have previously received B.Sc. or equivalent degree. Postgraduate studies offer M.Sc. degree after successful two years study. Postgraduate students appoint courses for one or more of the following ‘specialities’ (i.e. sub-mayors), i.e. specialized general subjects:
involving the following specialized sub-subjects:
The reservoir environment engineering speciality contains the courses concerning various aspects of reservoir engineering: subsurface flow dynamics, natural gas thermodynamics, exploitation of natural water, oil, and gas reservoirs, reservoir exploitation control, numerical reservoir engineering, well completion, well testing, pipelining systems, etc. The lists of specialities mentioned above is not fixed. Extra specialities may be formulated basing on preferencs of groups of students. The authorities of the University are open in this matter for initiatives of student’s organizations. The examples of specialities which were held in previous years are:
Main forms of teaching the students will experience in the University are:
The courses are organized for full-time and part-time students. The courses for part-time students are held every two weeks in the form of two-day sessions (Saturday and Sunday). The University mediates to organize the accommodation for the session time. Faculty graduates may realize their carrier to be specialists who deal with conservation, protection and improvement of natural resources and environment, control of water reverves, water purification, land and air pollution, management of municipal and/or industrial wastes, environment remediation, etc. in order to enhance the health, safety and welfare of the local and/or regional population, as well as its economic and social being. In the labor market the faculty graduates are wanted taking into account they are familiar with:
Apart from the technological aspects of environment protection the faculty graduates are familiar with: