Prywatna Wyższa Szkoła Ochrony Środowiska w Radomiu przystępuje do archiwizacji zgromadzonych dokumentów.
W związku z tym wzywa się zainteresowane strony do odebrania oryginalnych dokumentów pozostających w zasobach uczelni, w terminie do 15 kwietnia 2025 r.
Ze względu na długotrwały proces archiwizacji, po wyznaczonym terminie odbiór dokumentów może nastąpić dopiero z końcem 2025 roku.
Student lifeThe Students' Representative Council of the University of Environmental Sciences was formed to represent the interests of students. It is run by students, and all matriculated students, full-time and part-time are automatically represented by it. All students are entitled to stand for election to the Council and to use its services. The Chairman of the Council is the member of the Senate of the University of Environmental Sciences. Moreover, each student group organized for realization of courses elects the Group Chairman who represents the interests of the student group. There are various services provided by the Students' Representative Council and by each Group Chairman. The most valid of them are:
For students, especially full-time the University of Environmental Sciences offers various modes to spent the leisure time. Students meetings and discotheque may be organized in the Krokodyl Club located at the Main University Campus. The students may participate in the Rector Ball organized once a year in the carnival season. A special form of student activity is the Student Festival organized every year at the beginning of May in Zakopane, a world famous tourism and winter sport centre located at the foothills of the Tatra Mountains. For those interested in the sport various types of activity is offered, including swimming, diving, hiking, and mountaineering. Student Diving Club Tsunami organizes diving courses and advanced underwater expeditions. Domestic and international voyages of students groups are operated by the Academic Tourist Club. |